Articles and Resources

How Does a Will Work after Death?

Every estate plan should include three essential documents: a durable general power of attorney, a healthcare power of attorney and a last will and testament. Of the three essential estate planning documents, the will is the only document that is used after death.

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Is My Will Void If I Get Divorced?

Major changes in your life—such as marriage, having a baby, moving out of state, or divorce—should prompt a revisit to your current will. It is important to revise your will at these times, in order to ensure your estate planning is up to date.

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Digital Assets and Estate Planning

Today, so many aspects of our lives are managed virtually. We keep currency, photos, music, documents, bills, medical records, artwork and even our social lives online or ‘in the cloud.’

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Naming Beneficiaries is Crucial…

If you’ve had an IRA and a 401(k) for many years, you may occasionally ask yourself some questions: ‘Am I contributing enough?’ ‘Am I still funding these accounts with the right mix of investments for my goals and risk tolerance?

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