Would Your Family Benefit from a Living Trust?
Living trusts avoid the costs and time associated with the probate process. They’re also private documents, unlike wills filed with courts. They can be more easily amended as circumstances change.
Living trusts avoid the costs and time associated with the probate process. They’re also private documents, unlike wills filed with courts. They can be more easily amended as circumstances change.
Bennett’s daughters are suing their brother over the family trust, which could have been avoided had Bennett done some things differently.
Pet owners bring their animals on vacation, buy them fancy food and pay more for their healthcare. Including them in estate planning is a logical next step, estate lawyers and pet owners say.
Using DIY deeds like quitclaim deeds can create more problems than they solve, from legal complications to financial penalties.
The heartbreaking story of a retired therapist who lost nearly $600,000 to an elaborate scam underscores the need for asset protection strategies to safeguard seniors from increasingly sophisticated financial fraud schemes.
Murdoch’s succession plan sheds light on whether an irrevocable trust can truly be changed, revealing key insights for estate planning.
Learn from a teen’s loss of a $250K inheritance and discover how inheritance trusts can protect and guide your family’s future financial decisions.
Understanding trusts and their tax nuances can empower you to make informed decisions regarding the type of trust you choose for your estate planning purposes.
Cognitive decline, particularly associated with conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, poses significant risks for financial exploitation. This post explores practical estate planning strategies to protect vulnerable individuals when signs of dementia are noticed.
The public is now likely to get a closer look at Simpson’s finances, and the families are likely to have a better shot at collecting—if there is anything to collect.
1601 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 1
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
1601 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 1
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028