Protect Your Elderly Parents from Scammers
Scam artists often target older adults, partly because they have amassed greater wealth.
Scam artists often target older adults, partly because they have amassed greater wealth.
Step-up in basis, also known as stepped-up basis, is a wrinkle in the federal tax code that can help heirs avoid or reduce taxes on inherited assets.
Priscilla Presley’s fight to remain trustee of Lisa Marie Presley’s trust can teach anyone a few lessons on proper estate planning.
Everyone age 18 and over should have a health care proxy document signed (think children off to college, and yourself, not just an elderly parent).
It is essential that women do not surrender the responsibility of managing their financial affairs and devising their estate plan to their family … but take complete charge of this important duty.
Larry King’s widow Shawn has dragged her sister Shannon into her $100 million lawsuit accusing her ex-business managers of conspiring with the late TV legend’s son and transferring millions to third parties without her consent, RadarOnline.com has learned.
A primary benefit of using TOD/POD designations is that assets held in the account will pass automatically to the beneficiary without having to go through probate.
Nobody likes thinking about what happens if they should become incapacitated or die. However, we all need to have a plan in place for just these possibilities.
As divorce and second marriages become increasingly common, more people find themselves raising children who are not biologically their own. Estate planning for blended families should address this unique situation.
Everyone needs to worry about estate planning. That planning doesn’t only pertain to what happens when you die but what could happen if you end up incapacitated.
1601 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 1
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
1601 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 1
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028