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Estate Planning Tips for Florida Blended Families to Protect New Goals and Loved Ones

Estate planning for blended families presents unique challenges. Unlike traditional family structures, reports Barrons recent article titled, “When Remarrying Creates a Blended Family: Advice From Financial Pros,” blended families often involve complex relationships and diverse financial backgrounds, making the process of estate and financial planning more intricate. This article has tips for blended families on identifying overall estate planning goals and concerns and identifying heirs to protect your new family and future.

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Light blue text on a darker blue background reads "Carol Grant, P.A. Your New Year's Resolution! Create or Update Your Estate Plan!"

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Do Your Estate Planning in 2024

Creating or reviewing an estate plan is something that many people know they should do but often put off. It’s natural to say things like: “I’ll take care of it later,” or “I don’t have enough money to have an estate plan.” However, life and circumstances happen that may be out of your control. Every adult needs…

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Image shows a woman sitting at a desk with papers. Text reads "Should you use a DIY Trust in Florida? Drawbacks: May not address your families unique needs, may not adequately deal with complex medical issues that may arise"

Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning: Should I Use a DIY Trust in Florida?

Estate planning is a critical component of financial stability, ensuring that your wishes are honored in life and after death. In this digital age, online platforms offering do-it-yourself legal documentation have gained popularity, tempting many to wonder, “Should I use a DIY trust?” While these services seem convenient and cost-effective, they often fall drastically short of a reliable estate plan created by a seasoned attorney. Using a DIY trust can lead to numerous legal complications, emotional distress and financial loss. Do You Need a Will or a Living Trust? Understanding the Difference A living…

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Wishing You Peace and Love this Hanukkah Season

As we reach the end of the Hannukah season this year, and you stand tall in your rededication to your faith, know that I wish you and your family a very blessed and happy holiday season. I hope you have enjoyed this special time with your family, and are looking

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