When Do I Need to Review Will?
Whether you drew up a will recently or years ago, keep in mind it’s generally not something you can set and forget.
Whether you drew up a will recently or years ago, keep in mind it’s generally not something you can set and forget.
Part of being a responsible homeowner is having a proper estate plan in place. After all, considering the home is generally the largest asset most people own, it’s prudent to ensure this asset is passed to the people you wish to leave it to.
Based on a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association, as of 2020, 70% of households in the U.S. have pets—about 90.5 million households.
We are approaching the biggest wealth transfer ever, as Baby Boomers prepare to hand off their life savings to their heirs. However, will their heirs actually get the full amount of the wealth intended for them…or will a large amount be lost to unnecessary taxes?
If you really want to help your heirs out, these are some of the best assets to leave them.
Advice for adult children, so their parents in nursing homes and assisted living are safe from scammers.
This is an important question to ask, because the answer could tell you whether you need to worry about estate taxes, beneficiary issues or probate concerns.
Despite its prevalence, dementia remains widely misunderstood. Ignorance of the range of symptoms is a crucial stumbling block.
Many people are under the impression that since they have a trust, they don’t need to do anything else. That’s not true. The trust you created years ago may not be appropriate for you now.
Most family members may not have a clue what we have floating out in cyberspace. Accessing or deleting accounts can be tricky for family members, if they don’t have your login credentials.
1601 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 1
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
1601 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 1
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028